We had new flooring installed in almost all of our home. We did not want the wood click-floor to get scratched, so we looked for something that would help protect the flooring from furniture being moved around. The chairs in the kitchen and at the bar were the main pieces that had the potential to do the most damage. We found these sliders and ordered several sets. The red felt on the bottom allows the furniture to move easily on hard surfaces.
These work pretty well. Our only issue is that they pull off from time to time if the chair is moved frequently. We could fix that by using a heat gun and shrinking the sliders onto the legs of the chairs as prescribed in the instructions. We chose not to do that as we did not want to mess up the chairs.
Overall, if you need something to protect your floors from scratches caused by furniture, you can’t go wrong with these. We give them 4.5 stars out of 5.
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